True – the novella

Rahab. Some Christians like to downplay her role in the Bible. After all, there's no easy way of talking about the prostitute in Jesus' lineage. Then there's me: "Hey. I'll write a book about it." This is my book baby, the first one. And I indie published, even though I have an agent. You can... Continue Reading →

Behind the Scenes

My little novella, True, launched on March 14, 2019. Funny thing is that it almost was a colossal face palm. Here's what I recorded on my drive home on March 13th: I stressed out so bad over the launch that I gave myself a headache for over 48 hours. Even when I woke up in... Continue Reading →

13 Days

I’m thirteen days away from my debut release. And this isn’t the dream I’ve clutched since I wrote halting poems about the robins outside or the nativity set my parents painted long before I was born. I went to Mount Hermon a handful of years ago with my good friend Hannah Prewett. And we both... Continue Reading →

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