Pre-Order Goodies!
How does one celebrate earning money from writing their first YA novel? Giving things away!

Make sure to CLICK HERE to enter!
Here’s a closer look at what’s available for the 50 first people to sell me their soul register through that link:

This lovely sketch was commissioned by a young artist who I believe has immense talent prior to becoming a teen! This isn’t the final version, as some background will be added. So don’t be trying to pass this off as your own work!

Marigold seed are inside this wee baby envelope. And I personally folded every.single.bookmark. Marigold seeds because one of the main character’s name is Marigold and the bookmark because origami plays into the plot.

(it’s the same color as the sticker in the pic above, I promise)
This is actually a double-sided bookmark provided by my publisher, WhiteSpark Publishing. I’ll be signing the bookmark, so if you need it made out to someone else besides you, email me at
I’m soooooo excited that you get to meet Tori, Corbin, Marigold, and MamaBear soon!